Tuesday, December 9, 2014

why release report on CIA today?

In case your wondering of the timing of releasing the report today, on CIA interrogation that will cause the deaths of many of our covert security people around the world and cause our allies to refuse to work with the CIA, it is no coincidence that it was the same day Gruber testified before Congress, the man whose ideas  Obama said he based much of Obamacare on, exposed that Obamacare was passed based on may lies they knew were lies,  because, as he repeatedly said,  we are "stupid"

The Democrats delight in releasing this info that former CIA director will cripple the CIA. Oh goody. Evidently we have no threats from Islamic terrorists. i guess Obama's policy of just killing them with drones, and their families too, and getting zero intelligence, is better? He just does not want any war criminals in custody because we wants to end Gitmo, no matter how many terrorist he releases

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