Wednesday, January 1, 2014

If you think Obama is bad, Hillary will be much worse

I know I don't have to tell you the damage a Hillary Clinton presidency will do to the America we know and love. Building upon the dangerous Obama legacy, President Hillary Clinton will cement the disastrous policies of Obama into the fabric of America forever. 

>>>Open Borders and Permanent Amnesty: Hillary will finish what President Obama and Harry Reid have started – an immigration policy that rewards law breakers and leaves our citizens vulnerable to criminals and thugs.

>>>A Bigger and more Overreaching Government: Hillary will continue Obama's assault on free markets and plot to gut conservative and Tea Party groups. Will the IRS start targeting all conservatives under President Clinton?

>>>A Foreign Policy that leaves America Weak and Vulnerable: Does anyone really believe America is stronger in the world after Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have been in charge?

>>>Obamacare expanded into Hillarycare: Hillary will be the ultimate implementer Obamacare – resulting in sky rocketing taxes, health-care costs and rationing of care?

>>>Jimmy Carter style Joblessness and Unemployment: From the big banks to the taxpayer funded government takeover, a Hillary Clinton Administration will be a dangerous anti-capitalist government that will destroy our economy.

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