Saturday, December 15, 2012

Obama supports Al Quida linked group in Syria

Obama Supports Syrian Rebel Groups That Pledged Allegiance To Al-Qaeda

Barack Obama American flag SC Obama supports Syrian rebel groups that pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda
The U.S. president, Barack Obama, recognized the new National Coalition Forces of the Revolution and the Syrian opposition (CNFROS) as the “legitimate representative” of the Syrian people. Obama affirmed his support for a coalition of rebels that have officially pledged allegiance to Al-Qaeda-sponsored terrorist groups responsible for the killing of innocent civilians in their fight to bring down current Syrian president Bashar al-Assad
“We have decided that the Syrian opposition coalition is sufficiently inclusive and representative enough to reflect the Syrian population, who regard it as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people opposed to the Assad regime,” Obama said in excerpts from the interview given to ABC News and that will be broadcast in full on Friday.

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